Transforming Investments in African Rain fed Agriculture (TIARA) is a five-year program to increase attention and investment in enhanced rain fed agriculture and scale up activities across Africa. This is a pan-African initiative currently focusing on implementation in the Zambezi watercourse in southern Africa. The project is being funded by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)


  • Improve land and water management.
  • Increase food security.
  • Enhance livelihoods and create jobs.

Aims of the Collaboration:

  • Build a business case for investing in rain-fed agriculture based on FACHIG’s experience.
  • Advocate for “Pfumvudza” conservation farming techniques and similar solutions.


  • Conduct cost-benefit analysis of Pfumvudza compared to conventional practices.
  • Set up demonstration plots showcasing Pfumvudza with different approaches (organic, inorganic fertilizers).
  • Train farmers on Pfumvudza and livestock feed formulation using soybeans grown in the plots.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Strengthen the case for investing in rain-fed agriculture.
  • Increase farmer income through soybean production and improved livestock rearing.

Overall, this collaboration aims to promote sustainable farming practices and improve livelihoods in the Zambezi basin.