The Utariri Project, also known as the Utariri Integrated Biodiversity, Climate Change and Livelihoods Project, works in Zimbabwe’s Zambezi Valley to address several challenges which include habitat loss due to human actions and climate change. This is harming wildlife populations and causing conflict with local communities over scarce resources like water. This conflict has resulted in human deaths, livestock losses, and damage to protected areas. Weak governance and a struggling economy have made the situation worse.
The Utariri Project brings together stakeholders from government, conservation groups, and local communities. The project aims to find solutions that benefit both people and wildlife in the long term. It focuses on helping communities improve their livelihoods and participate in the conservation of biodiversity.
Overall, the Utariri Project aims to create a healthier environment and improve lives in the Zambezi Valley by working with local communities.
The Utariri Project is a collaborative effort led by DanChurchAid (DCA) [Danish Church Aid] and funded by SIDA. The following organizations constitute the Utariri Consortium
- African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)
- Bushlife Conservancy
- Farmers Association of Community Self-Help Investment Groups (FACHIG)
- Future of Hope Foundation (TFoHF)exclamation